A FUE hair transplant is an excellent method to accomplish this since it’s non-invasive and works with the patient’s hair. This video will assist you to understand what you can get from this type of procedure. Through this clip, viewers will be able to witness the process of hair restoration following FUE transplant. This video will demonstrate the before-and-after as well as more detailed result. By analyzing this data it will be possible to determine what kind of success the process could be for you. Keep in mind that results can vary based on your hair and other factors.
The video will supply you complete details about this particular transplant, including the type of hair being transplanted and the process used. It is estimated that 2.7 hairs is transplanted each the graft, giving a total of 8,289 hairs. The transplantation will be documented in closeups, as well being any steps that are intermediate. The patient has now got dense hair across his scalp a year later. u6vxovn9xv.