The hair is weaker or not present. Specialists use follicular unit grafts for reconstructing hairline and the growth pattern during this easy day-long, outpatient procedure. The YouTube video “Bosley Fue : Edgar’s Journey,” illustrates the process.
For the procedure to go ahead and conduct a hair transplant it is crucial to measure the hair. This procedure is performed by a doctor trained by Bosley. In order to create a donor area, the patient’s back hair is trimmed. Additionally, the patient receives a local anesthetic to make they feel completely unaffected throughout the process of transplantation.
Bosley doctors begin the procedure with the removal of grafts and hair follicular units from the site of donation. The grafts are then classified in accordance with the number of hairs in each graft. The process of transplantation begins with the reconstruction of the hairline, which is a natural one.
Once that is done, the new hairline will fill in. Within two to three days, the donor is expected to seem better. In one to three days, the site will get healed, and hair will begin to develop naturally in the following months.